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New Arrivals
Conjure Body Sprays
L’Amour Éternel | Love | Passion
Eiffel Tower Protection | Defense | Strength Conjure Body Spray
Rue de Réveil | Road Opening | New Beginning Conjure Body Sprays
Sacred Seine Serenity | peace & Emotional Balance Conjure Body Sprays
Champs-Élysées Fortune | Abundance | Success Conjure Body Spray
Midnight in Montmartre | Creatively | Intuitive Conjure Body Spray
New Arrivals
Conjure Body Sprays
L’Amour Éternel | Love | Passion
Eiffel Tower Protection | Defense | Strength Conjure Body Spray
Rue de Réveil | Road Opening | New Beginning Conjure Body Sprays
Sacred Seine Serenity | peace & Emotional Balance Conjure Body Sprays
Champs-Élysées Fortune | Abundance | Success Conjure Body Spray
Midnight in Montmartre | Creatively | Intuitive Conjure Body Spray
Floor Wash

Prosperity Floor Wash
- Spell Conjure Rice
- Ritual Baths | Bath Salts
- Goetic Conjure Candles
- Goetic Oils & Sprays
- Spell Candles
- Condition Oils
Sugar Daddy Spell Conjure Rice
Fiery Wall of Protection Rice
Sweetening Spell Conjure Rice
Evil Eye Spell Conjure Rice
Road Opener Spell Conjure Rice
Abundance & Prosperity Spell Conjure Rice
Protection Conjure Rice
Spiritual Cleansing Bath
Destroy Everything Bath
Destroy Everything Bath Salt
UnCrossing| UnHex | Bath Salt
Papa Legba Bath Salt
Erzulie Freda Bath Salt
Custom Spiritual Baths
Attract Friends | Dispel Enchantments | Soulmate | King Solomon 1st Pentacle of Venus Ritual Candle Kit
ATTRACT LOVE | ADMIRATION King Solomon 3rd Pentacle of Venus Ritual Candle Kit
BREAKTHROUGH | King Solomon 1st Pentacle of the Moon Ritual Candle Kit
Come to Me | Bring | Return A Lover | King Solomon 4th Pentacle of Venus Ritual Candle Kit
CONQUERING COMPETITION | King Solomon 2nd Pentacle of Saturn Ritual Candle Kit
DEFEAT OPPONENTS | DO AS I SAY |King Solomon 1st Pentacle of Saturn Ritual Candle Kit
ENEMIES INTO SUPPORTERS | King Solomon 2nd Pentacle of Venus Ritual Candle Kit
EVIL EYE PROTECTION | King Solomon 2nd Pentacle of the Sun Ritual Candle Kit
FAME | FORTUNE | King Solomon 3rd Pentacle of the Sun Ritual Candle Kit
GAIN BUSINESS | SUCCESS & ABUNDANCE King Solomon 1st Pentacle Of Jupiter Ritual Candle Kit
HOME PROTECTION | King Solomon 5th Pentacle of Saturn Ritual Candle Kit
Agares | Make someone Return | Language
Aim | Brave & Wise Decision | Curse
Alloces Conjure Candle | Binding Protection | Guidance
Amdusias | Music | Force others to do your will
Amon | Reconcile | Cause an aura of awe
Astaroth | Creativity | Self Discovery
Bael | Hide | Keep Secret
Beleth | Passion | Lust
Berith | Glamour | Determination
Buer | Speeds Healing | Ease Mental Suffering
Bune Conjure Candle | Increase money flow | Stocks 57 Reviews
Murmur | Energy Clearing | Brings Tranquility Spray
Amdusias | Music | Force others to do your will, Spirit Spray
Zepar Spirit Spray | S*x| Love | Attraction
Stolas | Creative Breakthrough | Relieves Pa*n Spray
Seere Spirit Spray | Solve Problems Quick | Overcome Procrastination
Sallos | Love | Passion | Relationship
Orias | Do as I say | Favor | Silence | Competition
Naamah Spirit Spray | Self Love | Divination | Charm
Marchosias | Victory | Business | Negotiation
Marbas Spirit Spray| Glamour | He**ling
3rd Party | Removal | Separate
Allure | Deadly Attraction Spelled Candle
Banish Bad Spirits & Protect Spell Candle
Blind My Enemies Fixed Ritual Candle
BloodLine | Ancestors | Purifying | Offerings
Breakthrough | Blockbuster | Remove Obstacles
Breakup Fixed Ritual Candle- Powerful Breakup | Separate
Business Boost | Better Business Fixed Spell Candle
Cash Flow | Money Drawing Fixed Candle
Allure | Deadly Attraction Condition Oil
Banishing Condition Oil
Blessings Condition Oil
Bloodline | Ancestors Condition Oil | Honor Your Ancestors
Break Up Condition Oil | To Separate And Split Others Apart
Breakthrough | Block Buster Condition Oil.- To break Apart Blocks / Obstacles In Your Way
Business Boost | Better Business Condition Oil
Cash Flow | Money Drawing Condition Oil - Draw More Money And Opportunity To You
Cash Flow | Money Drawing Oil
CrossRoads | Road Opener Condition Oil | To Open Yourself Up For New Opportunities And To Remove Obstacles In The Way
Crowning Glory | Crown Of Success Condition Oil

Our in-house items are handmade in small batches by Shannon HaJira. She includes detailed ritual instructions for product care. Support from our Team Members is readily available for any queries.

Elevate your rituals with Holy Water, Agua Bendita. Blessed by clergy for baptism and blessing individuals, places, and objects.

14 Circle Of Keys Supreme Root Powders
These ain’t just powders—they’re the tools you need to get things done the Hoodoo way. Circle Of Keys Supreme Root Powders bring the power of tradition straight to your hands, with 14 blends for attraction, protection, uncrossing, commanding, and more. Made with roots, herbs, and purpose, they’re ready to help you sweeten, clear, draw, or stop what needs stoppin’.
Work ‘em how you need: Dust your candles, sprinkle your floors, lay ‘em in a path, or dress your mojo. When you’ve got the right powder, the work gets done. Simple as that.

We encourage pairing our Condition | Conjure Oils with our Fixed Candle Rituals and our Ritual Baths. By doing so, your Spirit creates a relationship with the scent and the energy of the Oil, and understands that every time you put it on, this is the energy you're attracting towards you and maintaining.
Conjure Booklet
Free Downloadable Booklet On All World Of Conjure Products Guidance, Usage, Instructions, Chants, Spells & More (180 Page PDF)
Free Downloadable Booklet for all World Of Conjure Customers with Orders Included, WITHOUT Order, Booklet is $39.99

Make sure to stop by and check out our in-store exclusive products, such as statues, mortar & pestles, leather journals, rare curio, altar tools, soaps, butters, perfumes, and more.