This Suga’Daddy (Jezebel )Candle is dressed with traditional Louisiana Jezebel Oil, cleo May & Root. Jezebel root & oil is known to help a woman draw in a wealthy man or partner. It is also believed to help give a woman a favorable position in both business matters and love. It’s the perfect oil to use when attempting to control a situation that involves interactions with the opposite sex and can also be used for any type of financial negotiation or transaction. This candle can be used for an array of circumstances. Jezebel Oil & Root is a domination herb, so be careful how you use this Candle!
Looking for a way to attract a wealthy partner or improve your position in business? Look no further than our Sugar Daddy Spelled Candle.
All of our conjure oils and Candles are sold as curios only. We make no claims and offer no guarantees. Conjure, rootwork, or magic is personal and unique to the individual seeking to tap into the energy flow of the universe.
- I don't accept any kind of cancellations, return, refund or exchange.
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In Love and Magick~
Shannon HaJira
Do not ingest and keep away from children and pets.
©️2009 World Of Conjure
We enforce our intellectual copyrights via DMCA, please be respectful of our hard work and do not use our photos, descriptions, etc without permission.

Suga’ Daddy (Jezebel) | Attract Generous Lover | Spelled Candle
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Use this text to display a short description of the products.
This Suga’Daddy (Jezebel )Candle is dressed with traditional Louisiana Jezebel Oil, cleo May & Root. Jezebel root & oil is known to help a woman draw in a wealthy man or partner. It is also believed to help give a woman a favorable position in both business matters and love. It’s the perfect oil to use when attempting to control a situation that involves interactions with the opposite sex and can also be used for any type of financial negotiation or transaction. This candle can be used for an array of circumstances. Jezebel Oil & Root is a domination herb, so be careful how you use this Candle!
Looking for a way to attract a wealthy partner or improve your position in business? Look no further than our Sugar Daddy Spelled Candle.
All of our conjure oils and Candles are sold as curios only. We make no claims and offer no guarantees. Conjure, rootwork, or magic is personal and unique to the individual seeking to tap into the energy flow of the universe.
- I don't accept any kind of cancellations, return, refund or exchange.
🌟 Let's connect! Follow us @Worldofconjure for giveaways, flash sales, discount codes, freebies, inside peeks on new items, inspiration, and lots more! Instagram ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ TikTok ~ Patreon website:
In Love and Magick~
Shannon HaJira
Do not ingest and keep away from children and pets.
©️2009 World Of Conjure
We enforce our intellectual copyrights via DMCA, please be respectful of our hard work and do not use our photos, descriptions, etc without permission.