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This article is in response to the many questions I receive about how to use my conjure oils. It’s often the case that customers get excited about my oils, order them, only to receive them and realize that (despite the oils coming with directions)  they have no idea how to use them. That’s when the “How do I use the oils?” emails start pouring in. I don’t mind these emails, I actually think they are adorable (for the most part, lol). This article serves as your easy reference for such questions.

First and foremost what is a conjure oil? Conjure, or condition, oil is a tool in the Hoodoo rootworking tradition. It’s basically a ritual oil that can be used for any intention-blessing, anointing, healing, cursing, invoking, etc. Handmade (not massed produced) conjure oils are typically made with all natural ingredients and materials that are connected to the intention of the oil. For example, an oil made to manifest money would have ingredients that represent abundance-coins, money, rice, gold, etc. An oil made to attract something would most likely have lodestone as a main ingredient. You get the idea. In addition most oils are made during certain times (full moon vs new moon, day of the week, etc) and activated with prayers associated with the intention. All of these factors determine the potency of the conjure oil 

What makes the oils work? And, most importantly, how do you know the oils will work? The honest answer is that you don’t know until you try them. Any rootworker with integrity will tell you that magic doesn’t work the same for everyone nor is everyone guaranteed success. In my experience I’ve noted three things that attribute to conjure oils working; faith in the work, a person’s alignment with the work being done, and the oils ability to activate Spirit. Faith because if you don’t believe in something then it lacks your energetic backing and will not manifest for you. Alignment because like attracts like, therefore we have to be operating on the frequency of the work we are performing. And activation because your magic has to be able to stir the Spirits to action so that they respond to your request. All three of these principles must be present, otherwise the conjure oils will not work. If you find that your oils aren’t working I would advise checking where you are in these three areas. Faith and alignment are the focus of the one using the oil while activation is the responsibility of the one making the oil. 

Magic doesn’t work the same for everyone, therefore we must have options with our technique. The go-to for conjure oils is to use them in candle magic but this isn’t always the most effective method. The following is a list of ways to use conjure oils. 

  • Candles (of course): Simply dress the candle with the conjure oil, set your intention, and light. If you’re just getting into candle magic then it’s a good idea to study color correspondence so that you use the appropriate color candle for your intention. But if all else fails and you aren’t sure which color to use you can use a white candle. 
  • Oil lamps and burners: These are an alternative to candles. The benefit to oil lamps is that they burn much longer than candles making them ideal for more intense workings. However before using an oil lamp  make sure that the conjure oil does not have any hazardous materials. Any of my oils that cannot be burned will come with a warning label. 
  • Mojo/Gris Gris bag: Conjure oils work great when they are used to dress a mojo or gris gris bag. Rub a few drops of conjure oil on the bag and carry the bag with you. 
  • Jewelry, crystals, or objects: This method is ideal for protection, attraction, and blessing oils. Visualize your intention, rub a few drops of oil on your favorite piece of jewelry or crystal, and carry the item with you. Money oils can be rubbed on cash, checks, coins, or gambling tools (dice, dominoes, playing cards, poker chips, etc). Protection oils can be rubbed on railroad spikes, horseshoes, brass bells. wooden sticks, brooms, or hamsas and placed around the home. 
  • Petitions: Petitions are a wonderful method for prayer warriors and those strong in their word magic. They are also a great tool if you need to cultivate your faith. Write your petition on a piece of brown paper bag or parchment, rub a few drops of conjure oil on the paper, then place on your altar or sacred space. Make sure to be as detailed as possible when writing your petition. Also it’s important to meditate at your altar and recite your petition once a day until your work manifests. 
  • Water: Conjure oils work very well in water spells. Mainly because water is how we communicate with the spiritual realm. An example of a water spell can be found here.
  • Plants: This method is ideal for kitchen witches and those that are handy with herbs. Simply pour the conjure oil in a plant or mix in gardening soil. As you do talk to the plant and tell it what you want to see manifest. You’ll notice that as your plant blossoms so does your intentions. I highly recommend this method for abundance and money workings. 
  • Incense, smudges, resins: Dip your incense, smudge, or resin in your conjure oil, set your intention, and light. This works exceptionally well for protection and banishing oils. One customer I know told me that he’s gotten a lot of results from mixing Dynamite with dragon’s blood resin. Again, exercise caution and make sure the oil you are using is safe to burn. 
  • Dolls and poppets: Dolls and poppets are a way to bring life (literally) to your workings. While they are most often used in work involving others (domination, cursing, banishing, etc) they can also be used for personal work. For example, say I’m using a doll for a protection spell. I would pack it with materials that symbolize protection, dress it up as a warrior, and rub protection oil on it. I would then place it on my altar on somewhere in my home. What I love about this method is that you can get creative with it and the options are endless. 

These are just a few methods for putting the conjure oils to use. My advice is to play around, test things out, and customize the process until you find what works for you. Happy Conjuring!

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