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How to Create a Money Bowl

How to create a Money Bowl Spell in 5 simple steps

At World of Conjure we love our family of influencers

For the Money Bowl Spell you will need:


  • Small bowl
  • Coins
  • Paper
  • Pen



Before creating your money bowl, take a moment to relax and meditate. This will allow you to ground yourself before you begin. 

Throughout the creation of your money bowl, focus on your intention – abundance and increase wealth.

  1.  Firstly, cleanse all your tools and ingredients using your favourite scent of incense. Visualise all negative energies, that may be stored on them, dissipating away
  2.  Write your wishes and intentions onto the bay leaves – it can be as simple as one word or an affirmation. You can also write the exact amount of money you wish to attract; this can be any value you like.
  3.  Start to place your items into your bowl, whilst focusing on your intentions each time. Begin with the salt and then add the rest of your ingredients one by one.
  4. Once you have added all of your ingredients, take a moment to sit with your bowl and focus on its intentions, bringing wealth and abundance into your life.
  5. Place your bowl either by your front door or your workspace; make sure it is in a place in your home you visit often.

Every now and then, revisit and add more to your bowl. It can be money, herbs, crystals, or anything you feel pulled to add. Each time concentrate on your intentions as you add each item to the bowl

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